22 Dec A Big Thank You From Rêve Academy
With the year coming to an end, we’d like to give our thanks to all the wonderful people and organizations that have supported Rêve Academy in the recent weeks and months. From our Give to the Max donors, to the numerous teachers who have chosen to teach our curriculum as an after school program, to individual volunteers, such as industry experts Mike and Joyce Eyerly, we are deeply indebted to the wonderful folks who share our mission to help kids dream with direction. See some of our recent giving highlights below!
This fall, Prime Academy, which offers a 12-week program that prepares students to join the IT industry as entry-level software engineers, partnered with us to deliver two pro bono projects as part of exposing their cohorts to real-world coding challenges. Pictured below are Manu Garcia, Jonathan Osborne and Lauren Beatty from one of Prime Academy’s most recent cohorts (from left to right). The team worked on creating a mobile-responsive application that allows teachers to track student progress and competency data on mobile devices in their classrooms as they teach the Rêve Academy curriculum.
We recently received a generous gift from Degree of Honor, the “Insurance with a Heart” that keep families financially secure by offering affordable life insurance and annuity products as a chartered member organization. Lisa Flannery, CEO, Michelle Alberg and Nikki Spencer stopped by to present us with the gift. Thank you so much!
As part of our annual Give to the Max campaign on MN’s Give to the Max Day, Rêve raised a total of $6000, of which the Rêve Consulting team contributed $3890. This includes a generous matching gift by Kristin Pardue and Brad von Bank, co-founders of Rêve Consulting and Rêve Academy, which doubled individual contributions obtained during Give to the Max Day. A big thank you to the co-founders, the entire Rêve team, but most importantly, to all the individual givers on this important day!
Ashley Bremers from Trace Technology Management donated 20 laptops to Rêve Academy. We’re looking forward to creating an incentive program that allows students who otherwise wouldn’t have access to computers to warn a laptop for their personal use. TTM is an IT disposition company that offers data sanitization, refurbishment and resale of IT equipment, allowing companies to recuperate some of the value of their assets. Ashley founded TTM in October, and from providing excellent value to her clients, to figuring out creative ways to dispose of materials in a sustainable ways, to donating equipment to organizations such as ours, Ashley is already making a big impact. Thank you!