29 Jan Rêve Academy’s 2021 Goals + Intentions
We’re a few weeks into the first quarter of a new year! The excitement is high to see what this year has in store for us and the youth that we serve. While we anticipate what is to come, we are also taking the time to set the stage for such things to occur. With that, we want to share our goals and intentions for the year.
Evolving our curriculum and program outcomes to ensure the professional and technical skills that we are providing to students are relevant, in-demand, and valued. The digital landscape is rapidly evolving. As such, the skills required and demanded by the digital workforce are continually changing as well.
School Partnerships
Expanding our school partnerships to ensure our programs support students in achieving required standards through applied learning opportunities. For 2021, Minneapolis Public Schools are focused on increasing CTE pathway opportunities for students through the creation of CTE Hubs, like Edison High School’s Business Entrepreneurship Hub, and focusing on the expansion of Work-Based Learning and Career Readiness Programs. Rêve Academy’s programming is strongly aligned with the objectives of these programs which include building workforce skills and exposing youth to career pathways.
Creating innovative in-school programming and expanding our youth entrepreneurship work through the creation of a digital entrepreneurship competition. Rêve Academy will evolve its core ‘Business by Design’ curriculum – in which students learn how to develop a digital product or service then create an actionable business plan for their concept. This will be done utilizing a customizable curriculum framework that schools can implement based on the needs of their students and their specific standards. In addition, Rêve Academy will launch self-paced ‘Business by Design’ modules for students working independently on their business concept, allowing expanded opportunities for more students to participate in Rêve Revival
Internship Programs
Growing our on-site internship and residency programs – which we believe to be the most impactful program that we offer. Our goal in 2021 is to provide 40-50 internships and expand our ‘Entrepreneur in Residence’ program. Growing this programming will allow Rêve Academy to provide more student pathways for leadership and advancement. Rêve Academy offers students multiple opportunities to take on additional responsibilities, manage project teams and earn a higher wage through our Senior Intern and Student Manager roles. We recently launched our ‘Entrepreneur in Residence’ program. In this program, students can continue to learn entrepreneurship in a safe and inclusive environment and incubate their idea for the market with mentorship support from Rêve Academy staff and Digiteers.
Thank you for your continued support in Rêve Academy. We hope you’ll join us on this journey throughout the year. We look forward to doing great things even in the face of adversity. We can’t wait to connect meaningfully with the youth and our community in person soon!
Rêve Academy Staff